Workplace psychological safety is the belief that one will not be embarrassed or punished for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. With workplace psychological safety, the focus is on creating a culture of communication and collaboration that fosters innovation and resilience.
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A DEIA look at a statewide online library database collection: Process, results, and recommendations
It is part of the eLibraryMN mission to continually review the database resources to ensure that we are honoring and supporting all of the diverse populations across the state. We have published a report of our ongoing work and findings in this essential area.
This pilot program will continue this summer, with the course running June 10 through August 18. It is open to library staff from Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota.
University of Minnesota seeks Library Assistant with a base salary of $17.50/hour. This position requires previous experience working in a library or archives setting.
University of Minnesota seeks Rapid Scanning and Audio Visual Assistant with a base salary of $17.50/hour. This position requires experience handling archival, special collections, and other fragile materials.
University of Minnesota seeks Metadata Assistant with a base salary of $17.50/hour. This position requires experience handling archival, special collections, and other fragile materials.
The Plum Creek Library System is partnering with eight other Minnesota Regional Library Systems to present the program TESTIFY: A Conversation, a virtual webinar featuring retired Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page and his daughter, Georgi Page-Smith.
We're just days away from the deadline! If you haven't secured your spot yet, now is the time to act.
University of Minnesota seeks Library Assistant with a base pay of $17.50/hour. This position requires experience handling archival, special collections, and other fragile materials, particularly large oversized and art-based materials.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is proposing the elimination of the Academic Libraries survey from IPEDS in the 2025–26 administration. The comment period for this proposal closes on May 3.