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by Zach Miller
Edited from Gale On April 2, 2015, enhancements released to GVRL and all resources within the InfoTrac and In Context families (including the PowerSearch p
by Jennifer Hootman
With a quick browse through ELM’s Publication A-Z feature, here’s a sample of some of the scholarly full-text titles available in ELM. 
by Zach Miller
Edited from Britannica email

New!  Check out the Britannica School High School Homepage Improvements!

Britannica School has updated the High School homepage! 
by Zach Miller
This January we kicked off a series of webinars presented by librarians from around the region. The series is grouped loosely around the topic of open educational resources.
by Zach Miller
This spring we have a series of webinars presented by librarians from around the region on the topic of “Spring Renewal and Wellness.” Register for each webinar below:
by Jennifer Hootman
Edited from National Archives Education Blog Our partner, National History Day, invites students and people of all ages to think about the idea of leadership through "100 Leaders in World Hist
by Matt Lee
The Knight Foundation recently announced the winners of a challenge to propose innovative projects that “leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities.”  Winners will s