by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
You may have heard recently of the research report, "Restoring Our Place: An analysis of Native American resources used in Minnesota's classrooms." Access to the most recent Understand Native Minnesota podcast is now available.

You may have heard recently of the research report, "Restoring Our Place: An analysis of Native American resources used in Minnesota's classrooms." This report looks at what "curricular resources and professional development programs are used in the state’s elementary and secondary schools, which ones should be shared more broadly, what gaps or inadequacies exist among those resources, and the most pressing needs for new resources." You can now access the most recent podcast where, Odia Wood-Krueger shares what she learned through her research. Odia was an author and the leading researcher of this report. In this podcast she shares information on Native resources most helpful and essential to educators. She also offers tips for "educators trying to evaluate whether books about Native American subjects should be used in the classroom and examples of the great work teachers are already doing."
Be sure to take a look at the Indigenous Represenations ebooks available to students, teachers, and educators all over Minnesota in Ebooks Minnesota. These and more titles are available for simultaneous use in classrooms within Minnesota.