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If you, your students, or children, need to stay home during this rapidly evolving health-related situation, please remember that AskMN and eLibrary MN are available 24/7 from anywhere in Minnesota.


If you, your students, or children, need to stay home during this rapidly evolving health-related situation, please remember that AskMN and eLibrary MN are available 24/7 from anywhere in Minnesota. As academic and educational institutions continue planning around COVID-19, know that these online library-related resources can be accessed from home and provide critical support for online teaching and learning.

AskMN staff can help answer questions on all topics and can also help with specific research-related questions. It allows you to get real-time help from a real librarian on any topic or information need.

eLibrary MN (ELM) provides information on a vast array of topics, including consumer information, arts and humanities, career, occupation, and test prep, current events, health, science, social science, politics, business, and thousands of ebooks too. 

Ebooks MN provides unlimited access to 10,000 books online immediately for kids, teens, and adults. 

MNLink helps readers search for books held at libraries across the state and request their delivery to a local library.

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator
ELM logo.

Encyclopedia, magazine, journal, and newspaper articles, plus multimedia, primary sources, and more