Quick Summary
Minitex will add two nursing and healthcare databases to eLibrary Minnesota (ELM): EBSCO CINAHL Complete, and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium. The resources will become available statewide beginning July 1. Minitex thanks the Office of Higher Education and our partners in the library community for this opportunity to improve our support for healthcare in Minnesota.

Additional Minitex funding, through the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, has passed through the Minnesota Legislature and been signed into law by Governor Walz. We will use this funding in its entirety (along with an investment of current Minitex funds) to expand eLibrary Minnesota by adding two new nursing and healthcare databases: EBSCO CINAHL Complete, and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium. These databases will be available starting July 1. Look for product info and links in a separate Minitex News article next week.
Our priority in pursuing this funding, and selecting these resources, was to save libraries money, and to ensure equitable access to important healthcare resources across the state. It is our intention to support the work that happens right now in libraries in Minnesota to educate nurses, to support the healthcare workforce, and to provide trustworthy health information to the public.
The selection of resources was guided and informed by a sub-group of the Shared E-Resources (SER) Task Force, with some extra friends invited as well (see list below). We sincerely thank them for their discussion and counsel.
The legislative funding would not have been secured without the support of library staff and educators from across the state. Thank you to our friends in the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. Thank you to library staff who wrote letters of support on behalf of themselves and their institutions. Thank you to librarians who showed up at the Capitol to advocate for Minitex funding, and for those who zoomed in to conference committee meetings to provide support.
It was a good year for libraries at the Minnesota Capitol. We’re excited about the opportunities to strengthen library services throughout the Minnesota and across the Minitex region.
SER Task Force Nursing Subgroup
- Kelly Arp, Mayo Clinic Libraries
- Theresa Borchert, Concordia College Moorhead
- Mary Dennison, Rochester Community and Technical College
- David Wuolu, College of St. Ben’s / St. John’s University
- Cynthia Jorstad, Northland Community and Technical College
- Casey Duevel, Mankato State University
- Erinn Aspinall, University of Minnesota Health Sciences Library
- Jesse Hafemeister, Minnesota Department of Health Library
- Keith Cich, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Minitex Staff
- Maggie Snow
- Matt Lee
- Ann Kaste
- Anne Hatinen
- Beth Staats
- Carla Pfahl
- Greg Argo
- Gyade Badio
- Zach Miller