FY23 Highlights
Minitex News articles tagged with "FY23 Highlights" (20):

New legislative funding expands ELM nursing coverage
Minitex will add two nursing and healthcare databases to eLibrary Minnesota (ELM): EBSCO CINAHL Complete, and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium. The resources will become available statewide beginning July 1. Minitex thanks the Office of Higher Education and our partners in the library community for this opportunity to improve our support for healthcare in Minnesota.

MDL publishes "War Stories" online exhibit series
The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) has recently published an online exhibit series titled “War Stories.” Featuring letters, photographs, diaries, videos, and interview recordings, these exhibits highlight stories of Minnesotans who experienced war, from the Civil War to the Vietnam War.

A visit to St. Paul’s multi-faceted Hmong Cultural Center
April is Hmong Heritage month! This is a time to recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate Hmong American culture as well as educate ourselves on the history and experiences of Hmong Americans. I visited Saint Paul's Hmong Cultural Center with my colleague, Zach Miller, to learn more.

Statewide book club selection "Follow the Blackbirds" available in Ebooks Minnesota
The tenth edition of One Book | One Minnesota is underway. In honor of National Poetry Month, the program is featuring "Follow the Blackbirds" by Minnesota Poet Laureate Glen Nell Westermann. The link to her work is now available statewide via Ebooks Minnesota.

Minitex Connect offers 28 sessions and 7 tracks to choose from
On May 2-3, Minitex Connect will offer attendees 28 sessions to choose from, organized into seven tracks: Connections, DEIA, Empowering Communities, Library Management, Minitex Services, OER & OA, and Resource Sharing. Register today, there is no cost to attend.

Happy Birthday AskMN!
AskMN turns 15 years old on March 24, 2023. This article takes a look back on some of the highlights and how the program has evolved since 2008.

Maud Hart Lovelace and Star of the North nominees added to Ebooks MN
You can now access many of the 2023 Maud Hart Lovelace (MHL) and Star of the North nominees via Ebooks Minnesota.
Save the date for the 2023 Enhancing Quality Staff Symposium
EQS 2023 will take place on May 18 at historic Coffman Memorial Union on the campus of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. EQS is tailored for library paraprofessionals and support staff and has been on hiatus since 2020. It returns this year for its 28th edition.

North American Virtual Reference Online Conference Registration Now Open!
NAVROC 2023: Emergence. The North American Virtual Reference Online Conference will take place over three half days and will be held virtually February 21 - 23, 2023. This event is free and open to all.

A resource and an inspiration: The MLPP Book Showcase
The Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project provides independent authors with professional-grade tools so they can publish their work. It also offers readers and would-be authors a rich collection of freely available titles that demonstrate MLPP's potential, many of which are collected together in the MLPP Book Showcase.