by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
There's still time to register for the following November webinars and workshops. All times listed below are in central standard time.

There's still time to register for the following November webinars and workshops. All times listed below are in central standard time.
OCLC Connexion Client Module 4: Save Files, File Management, and Batch Processing
November 3, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This online module provides instruction on using Connexion Client to perform high volumes of searches and record actions using the efficiency of batch processing, including the use and management of Save Files. After completing this web-based training, learners will know how to use Connexion’s file management tools to manage online and local save files effectively, will be able to enter multiple search keys and record actions, process batches, and perform batch actions by OCLC number.
CONTENTdm for Digital Projects
November 11th, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
*Cancelled due to low registration
OCLC CONTENTdm is a digital collection management system, used by organizations to build digital collections of images, documents, video, and audio. It provides the tools to organize, publish, manage, and search digital collections on the web. Designed for individuals new to using CONTENTdm for their institution’s digital projects, this full day, hands-on workshop will provide a basic overview of CONTENTdm and its functionality.
All the Best! RDA Best Practices Guides from OLAC and MLA
November 17, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This webinar, presented by Mary Huismann, will introduce participants to the recent RDA best practices guides issued by the Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC) and the Music Library Association (MLA). OLAC’s best practices guides cover RDA cataloging of DVD/Blu-ray Discs, Streaming Media, and Video Games. MLA’s best practices guides cover RDA cataloging of music materials, music genre/form headings and medium of performance terms.