by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
There were some great sessions this year at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, which took place at a new conference venue, the Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake, Minnesota. I learned more about Hennepin County Library's latest digitization projects and ever-expanding community-based archival collections, racial equity programming and collection management initiatives at Ramsey County Libraries, how to incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion principles in library catalogs, options for LIS work abroad via the Fulbright Specialist Program, and more about libraries building relationships with Native community partners.

There were some great sessions this year at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, which took place at a new conference venue, the Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake, Minnesota. I learned more about Hennepin County Library's latest digitization projects and ever-expanding community-based archival collections, racial equity programming and collection management initiatives at Ramsey County Libraries, how to incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion principles in library catalogs, options for LIS work abroad via the Fulbright Specialist Program, and more about libraries building relationships with Native community partners.
Many of the conference programs have handouts online, and you can also find the presentation slides from the following sessions my colleagues and I presented at: the Minitex Cataloging & Metadata Update session, Preserving the Now: is our Library History Headed Towards a Digital Graveyard?, and From Amateur to Zealot: Becoming an Effective Library Advocate.
Image: Lizzy Baus, Minitex presents at the Minitex Cataloging & Metadata update sesion at MLA Conference, 2019.