Conference Highlights
Minitex News articles tagged with "Conference Highlights" (13):

MLA 2019 Annual Conference recap
There were some great sessions this year at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, which took place at a new conference venue, the Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake, Minnesota. I learned more about Hennepin County Library's latest digitization projects and ever-expanding community-based archival collections, racial equity programming and collection management initiatives at Ramsey County Libraries, how to incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion principles in library catalogs, options for LIS work abroad via the Fulbright Specialist Program, and more about libraries building relationships with Native community partners.

SDLA 2019 Annual Conference recap
I had the pleasure of attending the South Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Spearfish. Like the beautiful landscape surrounding it, I found the conference engaging and inspriring. The first day I presented a preconference on linked data developments in libraries, and the room was full of staff from school, public, and academic institutions. Between presenting and hanging out at the Minitex booth, I attended some great sessions, and had the chance to hear ALA President Wanda Brown speak during a keynote session.

DIME staff attend 2019 CONTENTdm User Group Meeting
Jolie Graybill, Sara Ring, and Greta Bahnemann traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana to attend the 2019 CONTENTdm User Group Meeting, where they had the opportunity to attend numerous sessions and updates regarding CONTENTdm. Craig MacDonald (School of Information at Pratt Institute) kicked things off with a keynote address on User Experience (UX), in which he introduced the concept of capacity-building and the steps needed to intitiate and susatain effective UX practices.

2019 MDL Annual Meeting highlights
The 16th Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) Annual Meeting took place at the lovely Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota on June 4. This year's meeting featured keynote speaker John Bracken, DPLA Executive Director, who discussed curent and future DPLA initiatives.

Highlights from the 2019 Midwest Archives Conference Annual Meeting
This year's Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) Annual Meeting was held at the Renaissance Center in Detroit from April 4th-6th. It was the first time I attended this regional conference, and I enjoyed connecting with Minnesota colleagues and meeting new people. The speakers and sessions were really interesting and informative too, starting with a plenary by Viranel Clerard, a community art advocate who runs the Detroit Mural Project; a digital catalog of 1000+ public art murals in the city of Detroit. Other highlights included a session on increasing diversity in the archival profession, the benefits resulting from collaborations with on-campus museums, lessons learned from problematic collection donations, and how archival materials contributed to the success of a community archaeological project.

MDL at the 2019 Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums Conference
I attended the 2019 Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums Annual Conference, held this year in Red Wing on April 24th and 25th, with pre-conference events on April 23rd. MDL was well represented with a professional table at the event, and many conference attendees stopped by. They were especially interested in the new materials on rights statements put together by the MDL/University of Minnesota rights statements standardization project team consisting of me, Greta Bahnemann, Sara Ring, and Nancy Sims. On Thursday morning, I presented about rights statements and their implementation alongside Stephanie Hess of the Northfield Historical Society, one of our rights pilot project participants.

Minnesota Digital Library staff attend Minnesota History Whatever 3
Staff from both the Minnesota Digital LIbrary and Minitex headed to the American Swedish Institute on March 25, 2019 for a day of history, discussion, and collaboration at Minnesota History Whatever 3. Minnesota History Whatever is an annual gathering open to anyone interested in history - and welcomes teachers, museum professional, librarians, and archivists, as well as representatives from the performaing and visual arts.

DPLAfest 2019: Session highlights
I attended DPLAfest for the first time, which took place at Chicago Public Library. Read selected highlights from sessions about digital preservation assessment, creating community history web archives, and controlled digital lending. DPLA has also posted recordings from all the plenary speaker presentations here.

Open Data Projects: Highlights from the NISO virtual conference
I hosted the NISO virtual conference Open Data Projects on June 13, 2018. Quite a variety of open data projects were discussed in the packed agenda. What follows is a summary of the first two presentations. If you are interested in open data projects, I encourage you to view the recording of the conference through Minitex My Library when it becomes available.

2018 Lake Superior Libraries Symposium program summary
I learned about a unique and brand new library in New Kid on the Block: How a Museum Opened a Library. Archivist Ryan Welle walked us through the steps it took to organize and open a new library at the Minnesota Military Museum. The Minnesota Military Museum is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1976 and is located at Camp Ripley, Minnesota’s National Guard training facility. While the museum started collecting library materials in 1989, it wasn’t until 2014 that the museum board voted to make the collection more widely available to the public. The library officially opened it’s doors to the public on May 24, 2018.