Quick Summary
DPLAfest 2019 is just around the corner! There are dozens of sessions and programs available to attendees during the convention, which takes place April 17-18, 2019 in Chicago. For those of you who will be attending, here are the sessions featuring Minitex programs and staff members.

DPLAfest 2019 is just around the corner! There are dozens of sessions and programs available to attendees during the conference, which takes place April 17-18, 2019 in Chicago. For those of you who will be attending, here are the sessions featuring Minitex programs, staff members, and friends:
Engaging Students: Technologies for Publishing Ebooks and Prints Books
Learn about a writing and publishing partnership between an academic library and Leadership Education graduate program. The WSU Library and Leadership Education faculty created a graduate student project which results in the publishing of graduate student writing in the form of an ebook and print book. The session will provide an overview of technologies used to publish ebooks and print books. Technologies include Pressbooks (via the Minnesota Library Publishing Project), Canva, Ingramspark, LuLu, Adobe Creative Cloud, and bepress Digital Commons.
Presenter: Kendall Larson, Winona State University
Standardized Rights Statements: A Data Driven Roadmap for Rights Statement Success, Working Group Updates, and Community Conversation
Interested in using standardized statements from RightsStatements.org, but don’t know where to begin? Looking for answers to digital collections copyright questions? Using statements that don’t quite fit your needs? The DPLA Rights Statements Working Group (RSWG) will overview their current projects--a rights resources portal site and an integrated rights curriculum. We’ll present tools and methods for successful statement implementation, and involve the audience in a lively discussion covering copyright, statement implementation, and what the RSWG can do for the community. Additionally, international RightsStatements.org group representatives will give updates on recent efforts, focus areas, and new members. This session will also be informed by data driven research from both a survey and in person interviews to articulate a roadmap for digital collection managers to navigate copyright challenges stemming from the adoption of standardized rights statements and licenses.
Presenter: Molly Huber, Minitex, et al.
The Indie Tidal Wave
What is the indie tidal wave? It’s about librarians promoting the value of self-published content to readers hungry for more than what is available through the traditional and highly filtered Amazon and big five publisher pipeline. It’s about Minnesota libraries reaching out to its writing community to create an innovative self-publishing program and fund a statewide geo-located version of Pressbooks. It’s about self-published authors finally getting the attention they deserve, including literary awards and publishing contracts. It’s about how libraries can actively curate and acquire self-published work and work with indie authors. Speakers will provide stories as well as facts, figures and predictions to help you surf the tidal wave.
Presenter: Valerie Horton, Minitex, et al.
Mind the Gaps: Evaluating Digital Collections for New Opportunities
Join the Minnesota Digital Library’s Metadata Librarian for an overview of one of her recently completed projects, an overview of a digital collection usage and gap analysis. Few studies have been completed and/or shared in this area of digital collection assessment. Greta Bahnemann will provide an in-depth explanation of her collection and usage analysis work for the Minnesota Digital Library’s collection Minnesota Reflections. Beginning with a review of her written report, Greta’s presentation will also include a discussion of her methodology, including the use of Google Analytics, and a summary of the initial set of recommendations for future growth.
Presenter: Greta Bahnemann, Minitex