Minitex News articles tagged with "DPLA" (13):

Digital Public Library of America seeks Community Manager
The Digital Public Library of America seeks a leader to help it further its mission to advance equitable access to knowledge for all in the digital age.

Registration for this year's MDL Annual Meeting closes tomorrow
Registration for the MDL Annual Meeting closes tomorrow, May 30. This year, for the first time, the event will take place at the beautiful Earle Brown Heritage Center. The cost to register is just $30, and lunch (as well as snacks) will be provided. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 4.

Minitex at DPLAfest 2019
DPLAfest 2019 is just around the corner! There are dozens of sessions and programs available to attendees during the convention, which takes place April 17-18, 2019 in Chicago. For those of you who will be attending, here are the sessions featuring Minitex programs and staff members.

DPLAfest 2019 Call for Proposals now open
DPLA is seeking proposals for DPLAfest, a gathering that will explore how libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural organizations across the country leverage technology to serve, inform, and empower communities. They invite proposals that showcase projects, ideas, and solutions designed to help the field meet the technological, social, and civic demands of the 21st century and that highlight the critical role of libraries—and the DPLA network—in shaping the future of access to digital knowledge. The deadline to submit a session proposal is Friday, January 11, 2019.

MDL staff attend DPLAfest
Minnesota Digital Library staff members attended the Digital Public Library of America's DPLAfest held in Chicago, April 20-21. Greta Bahnemann, Metadata Librarian, presented as part of a panel session on metadata for digital collections along with staff from the Arizona Memory Project. Together they shared tips on dealing with common problems and provided updates on recent projects at each DPLA service hub. The session was also highlighted in American Libraries. Molly Huber, Outreach Coordinator, coordinated a panel session that was comprised of staff from the Digital Library of Georgia, Illinois Digital Heritage, University of Miami, Washington University in St. Louis, and Penn State.

Join the DPLA Community Reps! Applications now open
The Digital Public Library of America just announced that the application for the fifth class of the DPLA Community Reps program is now open! Learn more below, tell a friend or colleague, and complete the application form to apply by April 24, 2017. The DPLA Community Reps program helps bring DPLA to local communities through outreach activities. A local community could be a school, library, academic campus, professional network, or another group of folks who might be interested in DPLA and what it has to offer. Reps give a small commitment of time to community engagement, and check-ins with DPLA staff.

GIF IT UP 2016 winners announced
The DPLA GIF IT UP winners were announced, and we included a few of them below. Though our submission using Minnesota Reflections content was not chosen, we would still like to share it.

DPLA's GIF IT UP competition returns
DPLA's annual GIF IT UP competition returns October 1 and runs through October 31. Minitex staff will be entering the contest (Paul Bunyan may be making an appearance for the 3rd year in a row), and we would love to see more Minnesota entries!

Minnesota Digital Library's Primary Source Sets - An update
Staff at Minitex and the Minnesota Digital Library are pleased to announce the formal launch of a new resource for Minnesota Reflections users.

Minitex awarded $695,000 federal grant to enhance ebooks app
Library users will more easily access ebooks across multiple systems thanks to SimplyE, a free app for phones and tablets that is being further developed at Minitex, a joint program of the University of Minnesota Libraries and the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.