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The MNLINK Operations Committee serves as the advisory body to the Policy Advisory Council on policies related to the administrative aspects of the MNLINK Union Catalog. It develops and recommends plans, policies and standards and addresses other issues as they arise.

Article I. Name and Members

The name of the organization shall be the MNLINK Operations Committee.


  • The Minitex Policy Advisory Council shall determine the number and makeup of the membership of the MNLINK Operations Committee.
  • The MNLINK Operations Committee is currently made up of members as follows: one director or director's official designee from each of the MNLINK Server sites.

Article II. Purpose

The MNLINK Operations Committee shall serve as the advisory body to the Minitex Policy Advisory Council on policies related to the administrative aspects of MNLINK. It shall develop and recommend plans, policies and standards and address other issues as they arise.

Article III. Voting

  • Each member of the Committee shall have one vote.
  • Voting shall be in person or by electronic means as pre-approved by the Chair in accordance with state law.
  • A simple majority of those present is required for votes to pass. Members unable to attend may register their votes in advance of the meeting.

Article IV. Terms, Officers, Elections, Vacancies, and Duties


All members serve at the will of their parent institutions and those institutions shall determine length of term.

Officers and Representatives

  • The officers of the Committee shall consist of a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Term of office shall be one year, July 1 – June 30. Officers may be re-elected.


Elections for officers will be held annually at the May meeting by nominations from the floor.


If the Chair is unable to serve his or her term the Vice-Chair will fill the remainder of the term. A vacancy in the office of Vice-Chair will be filled by special election.


  • The Chair shall call the meetings, set the agenda and preside over Committee meetings. The Chair shall appoint Ad Hoc and Standing Committees and may represent the Committee on other MNLINK committees and at meetings.
  • The Vice-Chair shall discharge all of the duties of the Chair during the absence of the Chair. If both the Chair and the Vice-Chair are not in attendance at a Committee meeting, a temporary Chair shall be chosen form among those members present at a meeting.
  • The Minitex Associate Director for Resource Sharing and Delivery shall provide staff support to the Committee.

Article V. Meetings

The MNLINK Committee shall set its meeting schedule for the year annually at its regular May meeting.


Regular meetings shall be scheduled quarterly in February, May, August and November.


Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by a majority of voting members at any time.


A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of members.

Parliamentary Authority

Meetings shall follow the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

Article VI. Amendments

These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at the Committee at any time, having been proposed and seconded for consideration at the previous meeting.

Committee by-laws adopted May 2, 2002, updated August 5, 2020.

Staff contact
Gerri Moeller

Associate Director for Resource Sharing and Delivery