Library Jobs
Minitex News articles tagged with "Library Jobs" (319):

University of St. Thomas seeks Head of Access Services and Media Librarian
This position, based at the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library in St. Paul, oversees staff as well as functions such as circulation, course reserves, interlibrary loan, fulfillment assessment, stack maintenance, and media collection management. The incumbent will also serve on the Libraries' Management Team. Applicants must hold an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program.

Arrowhead Library System seeks Regional Librarian
Arrowhead Library System (ALS) seeks a Regional Librarian with a base salary of $79,539.20. This position requires an ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science or a certified school library media specialist degree. The incumbent must have a minimum of three years of experience in library service.

North Dakota State seeks Director for Information Services & Systems
The Director for Information Services & Systems provides leadership for the NDSU Libraries' information services staff and systems, including access services and resource acquisitions. The position requires the MLIS degree, or its equivalent, along with three years of experience as a unit or department head. The base salary is $82,000 per year, depending upon experience and qualifications. Applications are due by February 15.

North Dakota State seeks Director for Research & Engagement
The Director for Research & Engagement will provide leadership for the NDSU Libraries' subject and functional librarians. The position requires an MLIS degree, or its equivalent, along with three years of experience as a unit or department head. The base salary is $82,000 per year, depending upon experience and qualifications. Applications are due by February 15.

Minitex seeks Products Coordinator
Minitex seeks a Products Coordinator to lead all aspects of our library products portfolio. The starting salary for this position is $63,419. The incumbent will have a positive and tangible impact on libraries by helping them to save both money and time.

Saint Paul Public Library seeks Library Public Services Manager
Saint Paul Public Library seeks a Library Public Services Manager with a base salary of $85K. This position requires a Bachelors degree and four years of responsible professional experience OR a Master’s Degree in Library Science and two years responsible professional experience. An equivalent combination of education and experience to equal or exceed eight years of the experience noted in the requirements will be accepted.

Virtual career fair for libraries coming in February
GLAM brings students and alumni hailing from 15 of the most prestigious library programs in the United States together with recruiters from leading employers and professional organizations. Registration is now open. Early-bird pricing for employers closes November 28.

University of Minnesota seeks Human Resources Generalist
The University of Minnesota seeks a Human Resources Generalist with a base salary of $66,500. This position requires a BA/BS degree in Human Resources or related field plus two years of professional HR-related work experience, or a combination of related education and professional HR work experience equal to six years.

University of Minnesota seeks Metadata Management & Outreach Librarian
The University of Minnesota seeks a Metadata Management & Outreach Librarian with a base salary of $60,000. This position requires an ALA-accredited master’s degree in library and information science (MLIS) or an equivalent combination of advanced degree work and relevant experience.

University of Minnesota seeks Training & Organizational Development Specialist
The University of Minnesota seeks a Training & Organizational Development Specialist with a base salary of $70,000. This position requires a BA/BS in human resources, organization development, human resource development applied behavioral sciences, business administration, liberal arts or related field along with two years of related professional work experience.