Digital Preservation
Minitex News articles tagged with "Digital Preservation" (33):
Digital Preservation Tools Show and Tell Part 2: Protect and Manage Digital Content
There are a few open seats left for Part 2 of the Minitex digital preservation tools show and tell series, which will take place August 9th, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (Central) File integrity, quality control, and format migrations tools will be discussed and demonstrated. Presenters will show how they use the following tools in their workflow: Exact File, DROID, ImageMagick, Handbrake, and Exiftool.
Preservation tips for photographs, documents, and digital files
Starting a project to organize and preserve photographs, documents and other content can be daunting. For Preservation Week this year, we’re passing along a few tips to point you in the right direction. Whether you need to learn how to house your photographs or other family keepsakes, or you want to protect your digital photographs and documents, we’ll offer some resources to get you going. Though this article focuses on personal preservation, many of these tips translate to caring for organizational content as well.
Upcoming ALCTS e-Forum: Life-cycle Management of Digital Assets
The ALCTS e-Forum: Life-cycle Management of Digital Assets will take place April 18-19, 2017. This e-Forum is free and open to everyone. Each day, discussion begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends and 5:00 p.m.(central). Here's the full description and information about how to register.
Preservation Week: Bringing awareness to your community
Preservation Week (April 23-29) is an opportunity to bring awareness and connect your community to preservation events, activities, and resources. Visit the ALA website to find resources that can help with saving and caring for items, disaster recovery, and how to get started with preservation. There are also resources (event planner, logos, bookmarks, posters, handouts, etc) available to help plan a Preservation Week event at your library. Two free webinars will be offered live, or view recordings of any of the past Preservation Week webinars.
Power to the People: Personal Digital Archiving Labs
At the Digital Library Federation Forum session Power to the People: Personal Digital Archiving Labs, four different organizations spoke about their personal digital archiving programs and projects. Organizations represented in the session included Madison, Wisconsin Public Library, DC Public Library, the New York City XFR Collective, and the iSchool at UW-Madison.
Minitex virtual course offered on digital preservation
While many of the traditional resources found in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions--books, photographs, objects--can survive for years with no intervention, digital content is much more fragile. Managing it requires ongoing care and preservation activities to ensure continued access far into the future. This virtual series--based on the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program curriculum--introduces fundamental concepts for managing your digital content over time through a series of six modules delivered in two half-day sessions.
Managing Digital Content Over Time: An Introduction to Digital Preservation
This online training series--based on the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program curriculum--introduces fundamental concepts for managing your digital content over time through a series of six modules delivered in three sessions.
Results of feedback on future Minitex cataloging and digital skills training
Recently we asked for your feedback on what cataloging and digital skills topics are needed and of interest to libraries and other cultural heritage organizations in the region.
DigiPres Commons: A helpful portal for staff who manage, protect, and preserve digital content
Are you aware of DigiPres Commons, a community owned web portal of digital preservation resources? I recently visited and found all sorts of excellent resources. Here's a brief recap of what you will find on the site.
Towards preservation: Timely report on managing electronic records
For any institution that needs to preserve and provide access to electronic records for the long-term, the following report may be helpful as you develop local workflows and documentation for managing this type of content.