Audiovisual (AV) Materials
When requesting audiovisual items, specify the format needed (CD, DVD, or Blu ray). If no format is specified, our staff will fill your request with either a CD (for sound) or a DVD (for video). If the lender has shipped the item in a special or heavy-duty container, the borrower should return the item in the original container.
Minitex will typically substitute an edition of a book published within five years of the date on the request unless it is for a textbook. If your patron will only accept a certain edition of an item, make sure your request specifies "this edition only" in the notes field.
Lost Books
When an item is lost or damaged through interlibrary loan, the borrowing library or their patron is responsible for the replacement costs. Borrowers may request a bill at any time they become aware of a lost or damaged book. Lenders can send the invoice or bill via email to mtx-over@umn.edu and Minitex will forward it to the borrowing library.
The borrowing library should work with Minitex to ensure the payment or replacement is processed on all ILL systems correctly. Libraries may accept the following methods of reimbursement:
- Checks: Payable to the lending library
- Minitex account: If it is agreeable to both parties, Minitex can deduct the cost of replacement from the borrower’s Minitex account and transfer that amount to the lender’s Minitex account.
- Replacement copies: Some libraries will accept replacement copies. Before purchasing a replacement copy, the borrower should check with Minitex to be sure the replacement they intend to provide is acceptable. In most cases, there will still be a processing fee. When a replacement copy is acceptable and able to be located, Minitex staff may be able to assist with the purchase on your behalf. We can bill your library or your Minitex account if desired.
- Credit card or check to the lending library: Not all lending libraries accept credit card payments for lost books.
Non-circulating Items
The following items may circulate, depending on the lending library’s policies. Note that certain types of items may not be available for loan, including:
- Fragile books. Items in poor condition (copies can sometimes be made).
- Genealogical items such as family histories, passenger lists, etc. (copies can usually be made).
- Periodicals (Entire issues or volumes of periodicals are usually non-circulating).
- Rare books.
- Reference items.
- Recently published materials are considered to be in high demand at the local library.
Overdue Items
Lending libraries may wish to implement a grace period before sending overdue notices to borrowers to ensure that the item isn't already in transit from the requesting library.
Borrowers should ensure all the paperwork included with the item when it was received is sent when it is returned to ensure the item can be efficiently returned to the original lending institution.
Respond immediately if the supplying library recalls an item. All borrowed material is subject to recall at any time.
Request a renewal 3-5 days before the item is due whenever possible. If the supplying library does not respond, the requesting library may assume that the renewal is granted, extending the due date by the same length of time as the original loan.