by Ann Kaste
Quick Summary
Did the judge Hachette the Internet Archive? Join Minnesota Libraries' professional development alliance partner FLVC Library Services to join a discussion of the recent ruling on Controlled Digital Lending.
Given the recent ruling in Hachette v. Internet Archive, we invite you to join Florida Virtual Campus Library Services for a conversation regarding the impact of this decision. During our discussion we will evaluate the past, present and potential future of controlled digital lending (CDL) through the lens of the judge’s ruling while sharing resources, policies, and procedures. Come share your thoughts on this outcome and where you think the appeals process will go. This session will not be recorded.
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm CST
For more information, including the meeting link, visit the event landing page. There is no registration, just join as you are able.