Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) allows libraries to replicate the right to lend their legally acquired items in a digital format to patrons under “controlled” conditions, meaning a library can lend only the number of copies of a specific title that it owns and that controls are implemented to prevent copying or distribution of the work. The comment period closes April 21.
Did the judge Hachette the Internet Archive? Join Minnesota Libraries' professional development alliance partner FLVC Library Services to join a discussion of the recent ruling on Controlled Digital Lending.
Gerri Moeller, head of Minitex's Resource Sharing & Delivery services, has been tapped by NISO to serve on a working group that will develop a "consensus framework for implementing controlled digital lending (CDL) of book content by libraries." She'd love to hear about your experiences with CDL.
I attended DPLAfest for the first time, which took place at Chicago Public Library. Read selected highlights from sessions about digital preservation assessment, creating community history web archives, and controlled digital lending. DPLA has also posted recordings from all the plenary speaker presentations here.
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