by Carol Nelson
Quick Summary
Josh Steans, from UW-Stout interlibrary loan attended the 25th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference as a “GoodWiLS Ambassador.” WiLS, our library network neighbor to the east, sponsors a WiLS library staff member to attend an event and make a report back to the WiLS community on what they learned.

Josh Steans, from UW-Stout interlibrary loan, attended the 25th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference as a “GoodWiLS Ambassador.” WiLS, Wisconsin's collaborative library network, sponsors a library staff member's attendance at library conferences through its "GoodWiLS Ambassadors" program. After the event, the Ambassador makes a report back to the WiLS community on what they learned.
Although it has been several months since the Minitex ILL conference, Josh says, "I took away so much great information… even late in the summer, I’m still referencing ideas that came up that day." WiLS recorded Josh's report back to the community, and it is a great reminder of the content and ideas we heard that day.