Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference
Minitex News articles tagged with "Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference" (8):

27th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference wrap-up
A recap of the recent Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference.

Save the Date for the 27th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference: April 25, 2018
The 27th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference will take place on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, at the Continuing Education and Conference Center on the Saint Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota. Our keynote speaker is Amanda Moran, Senior Market Analyst for Outsell, Inc.

Minitex 26th Annual Interlibrary Loan Conference
Revisit the 26th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference.

Save the Date for the 26th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference: May 17, 2017
The 26th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference will take place on Wednesday, May 17, 2017, at the Continuing Education and Conference Center on the Saint Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota. Our keynote speaker is J. Jeff Kober, President of Performance Journeys and CEO of World Class Benchmarking. In a tailored keynote for our conference, J. Jeff Kober will share "Things I Wish I Could Tell My Librarian."

Revisiting the Minitex ILL Conference with a GoodWiLS Ambassador
Josh Steans, from UW-Stout interlibrary loan attended the 25th Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference as a “GoodWiLS Ambassador.” WiLS, our library network neighbor to the east, sponsors a WiLS library staff member to attend an event and make a report back to the WiLS community on what they learned.

Webinar recording available: Unlocking the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States
Did you miss the OCLC sponsored webinar on July 19th, "Unlocking the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States webinar?" Here is your chance to check out the webinar recording and to learn the latest information that will ensure your interlibrary loan operation is up to code.
Interlibrary loan and delivery statistics - noting a nationwide trend
At the Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference on May 10th, Lee Rainie from the Pew Research Center touched on a statistic that caught my interest. Across the nation, requests for physical items in public and academic libraries have had a steady decrease over the past 4 years. Rainie also noted that those numbers are beginning to level out.

25 years of Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conferences
Do you have some interesting photos or ILL-related items to share for the 25th Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference?