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Guest author, Karen Westwood, provides some helpful law library information.


What’s your favorite legal research question? “Can I sue?” “Let me tell you about my terrible ex and why I need a restraining order?” “My sister got my mother’s wedding ring in the will and it’s not fair?”

Wait – none of those are your favorite because legal questions get complicated in a hurry, you don’t get them often enough to develop a lot of expertise, and people tend to be emotional when they ask legal questions? Wouldn’t it be great if there were libraries open to the public who had the expertise and mission to help non-lawyers research their legal issues?

I have good news for you! Minnesota county law libraries and the Minnesota State Law Library fit the bill. Most metro area county law libraries have expert librarians on staff who will help non-attorney patrons understand legal issues and how the court process works. For libraries outside of the metro area, the Minnesota State Law Library will provide assistance. In addition, these law libraries have great lists of referrals to attorneys, self-help centers and legal clinics. To learn more, visit the Minnesota Coalition of County Law Libraries’ website. In the “About Us” section, you’ll find a link to a handy brochure that gives more information about public law library services along with contact information for staffed law libraries in the metro area.

So the next time you're puzzled by a question about the law, remember you can call a public law library for help on the spot, or refer patrons to a public law library convenient for them. We really do have favorite legal research questions and look forward to helping you and your patrons navigate their way through our complex judicial system.

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