Quick Summary
Read about the Maxine Houghton Wallin Special Collections Research Center, located in Andersen Library at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

The former Minitex office is now the new home for the Maxine Houghton Wallin Special Collections Research Center. This new space provides enhanced technology, contemporary classrooms and access to the James Ford Bell Library as well as exhibits and other special collection material.
While most of the Minitex office moved to Wilson Library last summer, the Delivery and Referral Processing staff continue to work out of Andersen Library for all or part of their day. This meant listening to a lot of loud noise during construction. Peeking into the new research center was strictly prohibited so we were all very excited when the new facility finally opened.
When I first walked in I could not resist looking at my former workspace however, I was quickly distracted by how spacious the center looked. Surrounded by lots of glass, woodwork, and natural sunlight the reading rooms are very appealing for research and the study of special collection material. It's worth the trip to visit this impressive place! The center is open Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 8:30-4:30PM; Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30-7:00PM.