by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
Learn about our most recently added campus retrieval location, Twin Cities Offsite Storage.

Minitex staff now retrieve, process, and shelve materials from the Twin Cities Offsite Storage (also called PS2). PS2 is a high density storage facility for materials from across campus: think of MLAC (Minnesota Library Access Center), but not nearly as intimidatingly large.
It is located at University of Minnesota Printing Services, situated at the corner of Como Ave and 29th Ave. Because it would not be practical to schlep books day-in-and-day-out via the bus, we process everything at PS2 prior to delivery pickup. This also allows us to catch any problems in verification or determine if materials are fit for circulation.
The majority of materials have come by way of Wilson Library, but in time the facility may house materials from various other libraries across campus. PS2 exists to house low usage materials for the University. Unlike MLAC, it currently has no designation to hold materials from across the state of Minnesota.
So what do we even do there? In addition to retrieval we keep good statistics. With potential increases in our use of this collection we want to ensure we have some hard data for feedback and analysis if volume increases.