by Chau Nguyen
Quick Summary
Chau Nguyen describes a new exhibit at the Minnesota Historical Society.

Part of my job duties includes processing new requests at the Minnesota Historical Society and the Twin Cities Offsite Storage facility. The Minnesota Historical Society Library (Gale Family Library) is one of the world's premier libraries for research on Minnesota's places, history, and culture. Through interlibrary loan, some of their materials are accessible.
I travel there weekly working on Minitex ILL requests that require using MHS resources on-site. Most of the requests are genealogical in nature. I also handle a fair number of obituary requests. If your patrons are requesting them, it is helpful to provide the date of death, and full name, including middle name if known. We also fill requests for items on microfilm. The Historical Society will loan up to six reels of microfilm to a patron at a time. We do make copies of non-circulating items.
Last week when I was at MHS, they were putting up a new exhibit. It was a photo exhibit of Prince and his Purple Rain motorcycle which was displayed in the rotunda. This artwork was loaned from First Avenue for a two-week exhibit. Working on requests at the Historical Society has been educational for me.