by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 6, 7, and 8 are now published and available on the website. Things 6 and 7 are all about exploring what libraries are doing with linked data, and Thing 8 is an introduction to the Library of Congress BIBFRAME project.

The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 6, 7, and 8 are now published and available on the website:
The author, Violet Fox (Cataloging & Metadata Library, Northwestern University) writes "Things 6 and 7 are all about exploration: checking out what other libraries are doing and seeing if that inspires ideas for your own library or consortia. Thing 8 features an introduction to LC's BIBFRAME project, and provides a hands-on opportunity to edit a BIBFRAME record, to see what Life After MARC might look like."
About 23 Linked Data Things
23 Linked Data Things is a free self-paced online learning program that provides a structure for investigating linked data projects and obtaining hands-on experience in creating linked data. It is designed for library staff who want to learn more about linked data principles and explore how linked data can transform the way we think about metadata.