23 Linked Data Things
Minitex News articles tagged with "23 Linked Data Things" (9):

Sara Ring honored by Library Journal as one of 2024's Movers & Shakers
Library Journal has named Sara Ring among their 2024 Movers & Shakers for her collaborative work on "23 Linked Data Things." The project offers library staff a free and easily accessible self-paced learning curriculum on linked data.

23 Linked Data Things project complete
The 23 Linked Data Things project team is delighted to announce the completion of our free, self-paced online learning project, with the publication of Thing 23: Reflections on the Future of Linked Data. This lesson shares our thoughts on the future of linked data in libraries and archives, and highlights some exciting new projects. We'd like to thank everyone who has participated and encourage you to keep sharing the project with colleagues.

23 Linked Data Things project update: Things 20-22 now available
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 20-22 are now available on the website. With help from a new guest author and returning authors, explore what you can do now with linked data in existing MARC records, learn more about data visualization options using Flourish, and practice crafting an elevator pitch to help you more easily share the value of linked data with others.

23 Linked Data Things project update: Things 16-19 now available
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 16-19 are now published and available on the website. With help from new guest authors and returning authors, you can explore linked data from the public services side, pitfalls to be aware of to adoption, a linked data in archives project, and even set up your own Wikibase (the same platform that runs Wikidata)!

23 Linked Data Things project update: Things 13-15 published
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 13-15 are now published and available on the website. Thing 13 explores linked data cataloging workflows from OCLC Research's Project Passage. Thing 14 looks at the Wikimedia Commons project, and Thing 15 delves into the ethics of linked data.

23 Linked Data Things project update: Things 9-12 published
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 9-12 are now published and available on the website. When we presented at fall conferences, some of the feedback we heard was that the more examples of linked data in use we can provide, the better. With the exception of Thing 9. Ontologies, the rest of the Things explore connecting with others doing this work and learning about linked data projects.

23 Linked Data Things project update: Things 6, 7, and 8 published
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 6, 7, and 8 are now published and available on the website. Things 6 and 7 are all about exploring what libraries are doing with linked data, and Thing 8 is an introduction to the Library of Congress BIBFRAME project.

Minitex Conversation: What is 23 Linked Data Things?
Are you curious about linked data, but not sure where to begin? Join us virtually on August 31st to learn about the newly launched 23 Linked Data Things self-paced online learning program. The authors will give an overview of the program and much of the time will be open for questions. Whether you have already started or are just hearing about it now for the first time, we're eager to hear from you.

Announcing 23 Linked Data Things
23 Linked Data Things is a self-paced online learning program that provides a structure for investigating linked data projects and obtaining hands-on experience in creating linked data. It is designed for library staff who want to learn more about linked data principles and explore how linked data can transform the way we think about metadata.