Quick Summary
Users of Minnesota Reflections may have noticed some changes to the database's metadata. Based on the recent work of the Rights Implementation Team, we have begun to change how we record and share the metadata associated with the rights to use and re-use items in Minnesota Reflections. These changes reflect the standard we have adopted, namely the work shared via RightsStatements.org. RightsStatements.org provides a set of standardized rights statements for digital cultural heritage heritage projects. In order to display this information, we have added some new fields to show the statement and the text that explains the statements.

Users of Minnesota Reflections may have noticed some changes to the database's metadata. Based on the recent work of the Rights Implementation Team, we have begun to change how we record and share the metadata associated with the rights to use and re-use items in Minnesota Reflections. These changes reflect the standard we have adopted, namely the work shared via RightsStatements.org. RightsStatements.org provides a set of standardized rights statements for digital cultural heritage heritage projects. In order to display this information, we have added some new fields to show the statement and the text that explains the statements. The statement's URI is also shared. All of this work is explained and shared via an expanded section of the Minnesota Reflections Metadata Guidelines. These Guidelines can be shared and downloaded as a pdf.
Why the changes? We are working to make the Minnesota Reflections collection easier to understand, use and re-use. We believe standardized rights statements plays an important role in that work. Throughout 2019, we will be expanding this work and providing more information on new training opportunities associated with this rights work. Watch both the MDL section of the Minitex news platform and the DIME Newsletter for updates.