by Molly Huber
Quick Summary
Curious about standardized rights statements and how they might be used to describe the rights status of your digital collections? The combined MDL/Minitex and University of Minnesota project team has created a rights determination workflow document, a helpful guide which provides an approach to how the standardized rights statements from could be applied to individual items.

Curious about standardized rights statements and how they might be used to describe the rights status of your collections? The combined MDL/Minitex and University of Minnesota project team of Greta Bahnemann, Molly Huber, Sara Ring, and Nancy Sims, with design assistance from Andrew Palahnuk and Jordan Wagaman, has created a rights determination workflow document, a helpful guide which provides an approach to how the standardized rights statements from could be applied to individual items. The rights statements are labels that communicate the copyright status of an item in clear language, and also include a persistent link (URI).
The guide is intended as a tool to assist in navigation of copyright information, to make a path to a potential determination clearer. It is not legal advice. Originally published in the fall of 2018, this workflow document has been updated to reflect the changes in U.S. copyright law which went into effect this month and the newest version is available here. If you want to learn more about rights statements and their application, the project team plans to hold training sessions later this year, so watch for an announcement in the months to come!