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by Jesus Maldonado Sanchez
“Ah, my back!” I’ve been saying this more and more lately, and I know I’m not the only one. I should have known everything would soon be going downhill when I turned 23 this past year. I mean, I’m almost halfway to 50. Should I just accept my fate?
by Sara Ring
We're looking forward to attending the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference on October 11-13 in Fargo. Minitex staff attending include Elissah Becknell (Cataloging & Metadata Education Librarian), Molly Huber (Minnesota Digital Library Outreach Coordinator), Ann Kaste (Representing E-Resource and Products Cooperative Purchasing), Sara Ring (Continuing Education Librarian), and Director Maggie Snow.
by Zach Miller
Registration is now open for Tri-College University's full-day workshop, "Libraries and Indigenous Nations: Celebrating Cultures, Empowering Communities, Honoring Traditions." There is no cost to attend this in-person workshop. It will take place at North Dakota State University's Newman Center.
by Carla Pfahl
Having a timeline is like having a map that takes you from point A to point B. Timelines help you see where you are going and when you will get there. A project timeline is a critical tool for any project manager.