The University of Minnesota seeks a Outreach and Interdisciplinary Program Specialist with a base salary of $62,109.52. This position requires a BA/BS or an MLS/MLIS degree and 4 years of related work experience (e.g. programming, outreach, library services).
Latest News
The majority of the 2024 Minnesota Youth Reading Award nominees are now available in Ebooks Minnesota.
“Ah, my back!” I’ve been saying this more and more lately, and I know I’m not the only one. I should have known everything would soon be going downhill when I turned 23 this past year. I mean, I’m almost halfway to 50. Should I just accept my fate?
Sentry Custom Security manufactures both technologies in the USA, and has created a free webinar to answer your questions about EM & Barcode vs RFID.
We're looking forward to attending the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference on October 11-13 in Fargo. Minitex staff attending include Elissah Becknell (Cataloging & Metadata Education Librarian), Molly Huber (Minnesota Digital Library Outreach Coordinator), Ann Kaste (Representing E-Resource and Products Cooperative Purchasing), Sara Ring (Continuing Education Librarian), and Director Maggie Snow.
This four-part series, presented by Minitex and MLA, will give library staff the knowledge they need to do a better job running meetings as well as participating in them. Professional Registered Parliamentarian Pat Reymann will lead the sessions. Registration is free, and is now open.
Registration is now open for Tri-College University's full-day workshop, "Libraries and Indigenous Nations: Celebrating Cultures, Empowering Communities, Honoring Traditions." There is no cost to attend this in-person workshop. It will take place at North Dakota State University's Newman Center.
Having a timeline is like having a map that takes you from point A to point B. Timelines help you see where you are going and when you will get there. A project timeline is a critical tool for any project manager.
Join the ALA RUSA Stars Codes, Guidelines, and Technical Standards Committee for a free webinar on the newly revised Interlibrary Loan Code for the Unites States with Explanatory Text.
We are happy to share that several new titles around racism, antiracism, and American history have been added to Ebooks Minnesota.