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by Zach Miller
Deborah Monn, Dakota County Libraries Google Glass. In a nutshell: Not for me. I think for many of the librarians at LibTech on March 20th, the feeling was mutual.
by Carla Pfahl
“When Every Student Has an iPad” was presented by Amelia Cohoes, Associate Librarian, Erica Nutzman, Library Director, and Carol Roos, Campus Librarian, all with Globe University. In the Fall of 2013
by Beth Staats
I attended a few good sessions at the Library Technology Conference last week.  One that I really enjoyed, since the topic is of great professional and personal interest to me, was “Engaging Olde
by Carla Pfahl
“Forging Information Literacy Skills with ANVIL” was presented by David Hietpas, Web Developer, and Ted Mulvey, Information Literacy Librarian, both of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
by Beth Staats
“Reigniting Your Relationship with Social Media: Policies, Plans, and Peccadilloes,” presented by Katherine Gerwig (Arndt) and Samantha Klein, was another session that offered practical and useful inf
by Zach Miller
Mary Parker On April 7-9, 2014, the nine vendors that responded to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for statewide eresources gave presentations to and responded to Q&A from the Minitex Elect
by Zach Miller
Edited from Gale email A new, improved version of Kids InfoBits is on its way to you!