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Ebooks Minnesota News
Available in Ebooks MN for Schools and Ebooks MN, Too Many Carrots, by Katy Hudson, was a 2017 Teachers' Choice Award, as well as a bestselling picture book. Published by Capstone Young Readers, this charming book is for preschool through first grade or children age 3 to 5.
In this session you will learn about series and titles added to Ebooks Minnesota from Minnesota publisher, Capstone.
In this session you will learn about series and titles added to Ebooks Minnesota from Minnesota publisher, Capstone.
A couple of weeks ago we featured the most accessed titles in the Ebooks Minnesota collection, so now it's time to highlight the top titles in Ebooks MN for Schools. These include books from the Children's and Middle Grades modules ranging from biographies to graphic novels to non-fiction.
Here’s a New Year’s Resolution for you: Read all of the books you can — and keep them as long as you want — from Ebooks Minnesota.
2018 is quickly coming to a close and we're highlighting the most accessed titles from Ebooks Minnesota this past year. These books include titles from all different genres including a tradit
Vice President of Business Development, Matt Keller discusses publishing at Capstone, a new Ebooks Minnesota publishing partner.
A Different Pond, by poet Bao Phi, has won several book awards including, Best of the Best Books 2017, Hor

Minnesota's statewide ebook collection for readers of all ages