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Quick Summary

The eLibrary Minnesota databases that are accessed through EBSCOhost will be moving to the new user interface later this month.

EBSCOhost logo.

EBSCO has been gradually releasing a new interface across profiles (such as Explora interfaces, Reference Centers, and EBSCOhost databases) and accounts (such as your local library’s direct account with EBSCO that works alongside the Minitex umbrella account) over the last several months. Some of the profiles that have already moved to the new user interface (UI for short) include Explora, Science Reference Center, all public library profiles, and school EBSCOhost accounts that have had relatively low use in the past year.  

It's now time for the rest of the eLibrary Minnesota databases to move to the new UI.

The interfaces that you may be accustomed to look something like this:
old interface

And they will now look something like this:

You can find documentation about the features of the new UI and contact information for support on EBSCO’s  EBSCOhost Transition Page, your one-stop shop for information, tutorials, assistance, and answers to FAQs.

Written by

Ann Kaste
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, K-12 Outreach Coordinator
ELM logo.

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