by Linda Mork
Quick Summary
Do you need quick, reliable, up-to-date information about the countries of our world? Check out Britannica's Compare Countries tool.

Quickly compare and contrast any two countries with side-by-side facts and statistics using Britannica School's unique geography tool. It's ideal for both primary and secondary classes studying geography, societies, and literature from around the world.
To access, go to Britannica School, choose your desired grade level, and scroll down to Explore Compare Countries. Then simply choose (or manually enter) the countries you would like to compare. For a deeper dive into information, images, and videos about each country, click over to the Articles & Media tab at the top.
If you would like more information about using Britannica School as well as Britannica Original Sources, please join us for a free webinar with Laurel Greene, Britannica's Educational Consultant on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 3:30-4:30 or Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 3:30-4:30
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