by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Whether we like it or not, it's time for students and teachers to get ready to head back into the classroom. For this reason I have created a featured group of books in Ebooks Minnesota, titled Back to School.

Whether we like it or not, it's time for students and teachers to get ready to head back into the classroom. For this reason, I have created a featured group of books in Ebooks Minnesota, titled Back to School. Within this collection are books for teachers of all subjects and students of all ages.
Differentiating for success: how to build literacy instruction for all students. by Nancy L. Witherell, contains lesson plans that focus on key reading skills for students in grades three to five and allow teachers to differentiate literacy instructions. It also includes specific student activities.
Exploring idioms: a critical-thinking resource for grades 4-8, by Valeri R. Helterbran, explores over 100 common American idioms like, "back to square one." This guide focuses on applying idioms through critical-thinking skills and connecting them with other areas of language arts.
Active word play: games and activities that build vocabulary, by Jane Feber, includes games and activities for students in grades four and up. Combining active involvement and vocabulary, students can see, touch, and feel the words as they learn.
Rationales for teaching graphic novels: including lesson ideas for 108 graphic novels, by James Bucky Carter, is arranged alphabetically and includes a listing by titles/series from almost every genre available in the format. The author offers a thorough introduction and details of each titles merits.
Back to school, by Christianne C. Jones, in the Read-it! readers series, involves Jamal, who's going into 5th grade, and his sister, going into 1st grade, go shopping for schools supplies.
Back-to-school projects for a lazy crafternoon, by Stella Fields, includes pictures and instructions for making back to school projects like a fabric tote bag,tablet cover, decorated pencils and more.
Be sure to take a look at this curated Back to School group for ideas on working with students in all subjects or helping children of all ages ease back into the school mindset.