by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Look no further for entertaining fiction for upper elementary and lower middle school grades. If they like sports, they'll love Jake Maddox.

Look no further for entertaining fiction for upper elementary and lower middle school grade students. If they like sports, they'll love Jake Maddox. Ebooks Minnesota now contains a curated collection of over 100 Jake Maddox books. You might ask who is Jake Maddox? Is he an athlete, author, world-traveler–or all three? He has surfed in Hawaii, scuba-dived in Australia, and climbed the mountains of Peru and Alaska. His books range from the most popular team sports to outdoor activities to survival adventures and even to auto racing. His exploits have inspired numerous writers to walk in his footsteps–literally!
These best-selling sports stories by Jake Maddox are a hit with boys and girls alike. Pumped-up, easy-to-read stories with an emphasis on speed, skill, and fair play. The boys and girls in these books face obstacles on the gridiron, the court, the ice, or the half-pipe, and meet mental and social challenges as well. Readers discover that an athlete's inner game, persistence, and courage are just as important as a steady hand or a chance for a goal.