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Duchess Harris, an award-winning Macalester professor, has authored over 100 titles available in Ebooks Minnesota. These include titles in ABDO's Freedom's Promise, Perspectives on American Progress, Class in America, Protest Movements, and other relevant series.

Hidden Heroes: The human computers of NASA

Duchess Harris, an award-winning Macalester professor, has authored over 100 titles available in Ebooks Minnesota.  These include titles in ABDO's Freedom's Promise, Perspectives on American Progress, Class in America, Protest Movements, and other relevant series.  Duchess Harris was recently honored with Macalester's 2021 Thomas Jefferson Award.  Established in 1961 this award honors members of the Macalester community who "exemplify the principles and ideals of the third President of the United States."  She was also named to the board of The Kamala Harris Project, made up of "scholars across disciplines who will track all aspects of Kamala Harris' tenure as the nation's first woman of color to serve as vice president."

The Freedom's Promise series, available in Ebooks Minnesota, examines people and events that have influenced society and culture locally, nationally, and internationally.  The Duchess Harris Collection provides scholarly expertise with collegiate perspectives for mid- and high-level grades, as well as a 3–6 grade series exploring African American history with a global perspective.  You can access all of the 100+ Duchess Harris authored books here.  To give you a better idea on the depth and breadth of titles included in Ebooks Minnesota by Duchess Harris take a look at the titles and links below.

Carol Moseley Braun: Politician and Leader
Being Poor in America
Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine
The Dreamers and DACA
Growing Up a Girl
The Health-Care Divide
The Silence Breakers and the #MeToo Movement
The Birth of Hip-Hop

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator
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