by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
The University of Minnesota servers that support the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM), the Minitex website, and other Minitex services will be down for maintenance this Saturday, January 9. Service will be restored the next day. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The University of Minnesota servers that support the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM), the Minitex website, and other Minitex services will be down for maintenance this Saturday, January 9. Service will be restored by noon on Sunday. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The following services and web properties will be unavailable during the outage:
- AskMN (
- Electronic Library for Minnesota (
- Minitex News (
- Minitex Website (
- Minnesota Digital Library (
- Research Project Calculator (
- Shop Minitex (
There will be no disruption for the following services:
- Minnesota Reflections (
- MnLINK Gateway (