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Quick Summary

Metronet serves libraries of all types in the Twin Cities metro area. For library staff in the metro, please consider providing your input toward their current strategic planning effort by completing the survey below. The survey will close on April 26.

The Metronet logo and wordmark.

Text courtesy of Metronet.

Strategic Planning Process

Metronet has partnered with Library Strategies to conduct a planning process that will result in a Strategic Plan to guide Metronet's programs and services for the next three years. We want to engage our community members--information workers in school, public, academic, and special libraries--to get your opinions and ideas on Metronet's current services, programs, and priorities and how we can expand in the future.

Community Survey

As you know, Metronet is one of seven state-funded multitype library systems, serving all kinds of libraries in the metro area. We want your feedback and opinions as a library worker to guide our services, programs, and priorities in the coming years. We want you to think broadly about how Metronet can serve you and your library. Your input is important and valued, even if you don't currently use Metronet services.

Please take 8 to 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire. The survey is being conducted independently by Library Strategies Consulting Group. Your individual responses are confidential. Only total, aggregate responses will be shared with the Metronet Board and staff.

Thank you for your interest and participation!

Written by

Matt Lee
Associate Director