Quick Summary
AI this, AI that. But have you heard about AskMN’s Organic Intelligence (OI)? Let’s take a look at how this tried and true resource works!

With all the recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), it’s trendy to turn to AI when questions arise. But librarians are the original source of intelligence, and they will never go out of style. AskMN is a virtual reference desk that provides 24/7 access to librarians from across Minnesota ready to answer any library or research related questions. Sounds too good to be true, right? I thought so too, so I decided to see for myself. Read the transcript below to see how it went!
Jesus: Hello! This is my first time using AskMN and I wanted to ask what kind of questions I can pose and what kind of support I can request.
Librarian: Hello Jesus, welcome to AskMN! I am responding from [my library], but this cooperative is staffed by librarians around the country.
You are welcome to pose any type of library or research question, and we will do our best to answer it. Of course, there are some library-specific things we can't answer, but we will try to point you in the right direction. :) How can I help today?
Jesus: All around the country? That's really interesting! In terms of questions I have a couple. The first being if you can give me any recommendations for a book series to start. I really enjoyed reading the "Hunger Games" series; are there any books similar to those titles I could start?
Librarian: Sure thing! I am going to use a database called "NoveList" to which our library subscribes. It works great for "readers advisory," in that a person can search for something they like and find similar suggestions. Just a moment.... Some things that came up include the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth; the Arc of a Scythe series by Neal Shusterman; the Testing Trilogy by Joelle Charbonneau. Can I ask which MN library system you use?
Jesus: Thank you! I use Hennepin County Library system.
Librarian: Okay, thanks; they have a huge collection to choose from. :) I see that they also subscribe to NoveList if you want to give it a try on your own. Can I help with anything else today?
Jesus: I did not know that! I will definitely give it a try and take a look at your recommendations. I am trying to plan ahead and start looking for materials/research regarding Latino/x experience in MN for Latino/x history month. Do you have any recommendations on how I should start this research or compiling sources? This would be for an article I would want to write.
Librarian: Okay, thanks. There are some great resources on the Hennepin County Library site. I see some that my library system does not have such as CultureGrams, JSTOR, Minnesota Newspapers, and online encyclopedias and MasterFILE Complete, which contains tons of full-text articles for research. There is a lot to sift through. :)
Jesus: Cool! That helps a lot. What about if I wanted to find some books revolving around that topic as well?
Librarian: Of course! This is the link to the library catalog for Hennepin County Library. And if you need to get a library card, you can start here.
Jesus: Thanks so much for all of your help! I knew you'd be better than a robot.
Librarian: Wait, what?
Jesus: Nothing, never mind. Thanks again!
Librarian: My pleasure. :)
The AskMN program began in March 2008 and started with 8 academic and public libraries. Today, the program is strongly supported by over 35 academic and public libraries across Minnesota. Instead of turning to AI next time you have a question, give the friendly librarians over at AskMN a chance!