by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Minnesota History Day still needs to fill 500 judge spots for 2024 competitions.

Since opening judge registration a few weeks ago, we have filled 611 judge spots from 264 volunteer judges! This is incredible in the short amount of time sign-up has been open, but based on current participation numbers, we still have another 500 spots to fill! You can sign up here.
You can find the timeline and general FAQs on this PDF. Please consider joining us!
- March: Regional Events across the state
- April 20: In-Person State History Day Contest at the Minneapolis Convention Center
- Sign up online!
Judge Training
After you’ve signed up to judge, please RSVP through our Google Form for an online training via Zoom. These advance trainings allow us to do a shorter, logistic-focused orientation the day of contests. We ask all judges to participate in one of the following trainings live via Zoom or view the recording afterwards prior to their first time judging this year.
- New Judges: The following sessions will include a brief overview of the NHD program, the judging criteria, and overall judging process.
- Tuesday, February 13: 6-7 pm
- Thursday, February 15: 3-4 pm
- Experienced Judges: The following sessions are designed for those who have previous judging experience, at any level or in any state. It will cover a brief review of the program and the judging criteria.
- Tuesday, February 13: 7:15-8 pm
- Thursday, February 15: 4:15-5 pm
- Virtual/Paper Judges Only: We have a separate video for you to watch and review before judging begins. Please look for this information prior to the start of judging.
If you are unable to attend any of these live training sessions, please let us know on the Google Form and we will send you the recorded training afterwards for review.
Special thanks to the 264 people that have already signed up! Judges are the backbone of our competitions. Our work is impossible without your support. We appreciate all you have done to make History Day happen in Minnesota - and hope to “see” you soon!