by Ann Kaste
Quick Summary
A team of representatives from ITEM, MDE, the Multitype Library Systems, MN State Mankato and St. Catherine University's licensure programs are working together to create a method for maintaining a sustainable contact list for School Library Media Specialists and school library contacts. Come to Minitex Connect to learn about our efforts, and/or watch for the recording and slides to be posted on the ITEM list.

Join us at Minitex Connect on Wednesday May 3 at 3:25PM to hear about our efforts!
Finding accurate information about the staffing of school library media centers and the roles of licensed school media specialists in Minnesota is a well known challenge. For those who would like to share resources with and advocate for the importance of media centers and media specialists, accurate and current data would be invaluable. In this presentation, our team representing ITEM, MDE, the Multitypes, Minitex, and SLMS licensure programs will share the state of our efforts to find staffing data, make a plan for how to keep the data current, and share a survey to be distributed to all media contacts in MN to find information about the state of media centers in Minnesota schools and the job duties of those who staff them.