by Ann Kaste
Quick Summary
Join us at Minitex Connect to hear about a collaborative effort to collect data on school library media centers and media specialists in Minnesota

Finding accurate information about the staffing of school library media centers and the roles of licensed school media specialists in Minnesota is a well known challenge. For those who would like to share resources with and advocate for the importance of media centers and media specialists, accurate and current data would be invaluable. A team representing MDE State Library Services, ITEM, leaders from the Multitypes, Minitex, and SLMS licensure programs are pooling their efforts to address this challenge. They are working to find staffing data, make a plan for how to keep the data current, and create a survey to share with media center staff contacts to find information about the state of media centers in Minnesota schools and the job duties of those who staff them. Join us at Minitex Connect to hear an overview of the group's charge and where we are at in the project timeline.