Quick Summary
Registration is open! The deadline for registration is May 15, 2023. EQS will be held in Minneapolis at Coffman Memorial Union on the University of Minnesota's beautiful East Bank Campus from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Registration is open! The deadline for registration is May 15, 2023. EQS will be held at Coffman Memorial Union on the University of Minnesota's beautiful East Bank Campus in Minneapolis from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch is included in the registration cost. Please register early; space is limited.
The University of Minnesota Libraries' Enhancing Quality Staff Symposium provides a forum for library paraprofessional and support staff to learn about a range of timely professional topics, share ideas and experiences with peers, enhance skills with continuing education, and work toward personal wellbeing. Although this symposium is designed for library paraprofessionals and support staff, everyone is welcome to attend.
The EQS committee has opened a limited number of registrations at a reduced price for local library science and paraprofessional students. These are first-come, first-serve; students who do not register at the reduced student rate must register at the regular rate.
Attendees choose from among 30 sessions throughout the day. Sessions are usually one hour in length, but we also have a limited number of two-hour sessions.
This year's sessions include:
- A Reckoning with History: The Mapping Prejudice Project
- Map Folds: Bigger on the Inside
- Your Role in Creating Minnesota's Digital Equity Plan
- Trends in Fraud and Identity Theft: A Perfect Storm
- UMN Bee Lab Squad: Being a Pollinator Ambassador
- Crossroads of Copyright & Gaming
- Vibe Check: A Trauma-informed approach to Library Work
- Great People Skills to Change Your Life
- and many more!! Check them all out on the EQS website.
Would you like to have a professional table set up? Join St. Kate's and Minitex! You can have the table manned or just have some swag and information set up for attendees to peruse on their own between sessions. There is limited space, so reach out and let Dana Kocienda know at kocie002@umn.edu as soon as possible.
Thank you on behalf of the EQS Committee!