Quick Summary
The University of Minnesota is hiring a Library Assistant 3 for the Health Sciences Libraries.

The University of Minnesota is hiring a Library Assistant 3 for the Health Sciences Libraries.
Minimum Qualifications
- Five (5) years of relevant library experience. Up to three (3) years if college education can be substituted for experience
- Demonstrated commitment to providing excellent customer service
- Demonstrated strong written communications skills (as evidenced by cover letter and resume)
- Experience creating and manipulating digital media for print and web use
Preferred Qualifications
- Ability to work independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a service-oriented, collaborative environment
- Strong interpersonal skills including commitment to fostering diversity in the workplace
- Strong problem-solving, multitasking, and organizational skills
- Knowledge of basic graphic/visual design principles and their applications to the creation of print and digital media
- Experience with Adobe Creative Suite and/or other graphic design and video editing applications
- Experience with web authoring and editing programs
- Facility with Microsoft Office Suite, including Excel and PowerPoint
- Experience offering library reference and research assistance
- Familiarity with using library resources, including online catalogs and indexes
- Aptitude for learning and applying new software and technologies
- Public speaking and/or teaching experience
- Experience coordinating events
- Experience developing displays and exhibits
About the Job
The incumbent in this position works within the Access and Information Services, a unit within the Health Sciences Library at the University of Minnesota. Access and Information Services staff are usually the first, and sometimes the only, contact users have with the Health Sciences Library. Access and Information Services staff are involved in providing services related to supporting traditional and emerging services and spaces.
Our primarily goal is to provide convenient and timely access to library resources, materials, services and spaces. This is achieved through providing assistance with circulation, information, and reference services; maintaining orderly collections with prompt re-shelving; supporting online and print course materials through Digital Coursepacks, Electronic Reserves and Print Reserves; and assisting in the support for emerging and technology-rich service environments. Staff in Access and Information Services work closely with professional liaison and subject expert librarians to provide the best possible service to library customers.
Essential Functions
Primary Daytime Supervisor for Access & Information Services Students (12 hrs/wk = 30%)
- Hires, trains and supervises student workers for multiple functions/locations.
- Redirects staff activity, assigns work, monitors performance and activities, assists with problem solving.
- Develops, coordinates and delivers system wide and customized training for student staff in functions common to all locations (e.g., customer service training). Develops training tools and documentation using multiple methods of delivery (online, etc).
- Prepares student payroll documents and monitors student payroll budget.
- Assists in preparing student work schedules.
- Works with students to improve performance (e.g. conducting semi-annual performance reviews). Resolves student personnel problems.
- Develops effective communication mechanisms to ensure that students are aware of changes in policies and procedures.
- Oversees daily operations and management of stack services within Diehl Hall and the future HSL collection hours in the Phillips Wangensteen Building.
- Plans for necessary work flow changes and directs staff to accomplish all activities, including directing students in routine stacks management activities (shelving, small shifts, straightening and shelf-reading), participating in work in the library collections, and processing book return and delivery operations
- Performs searches for missing and claimed returned materials.
- Remarks bound volumes.
Oversees and Prepares Electronic and Course Reserves (10 hrs/wk = 25%)
- As team lead for Reserves in the Health Sciences, monitors and distributes reserves requests for processing to the HSL AIS team.
- Trains HSL AIS team members to support course and electronic reserves.
- Accepts and prepares requests for Digital Coursepacks, electronic reading lists, and print reserves materials.
- Oversees all aspects of reserves task and ensure quality control of work by all team members.
- Obtains scans or copies of requested items via the print collection, recall or Interlibrary Loan.
- Creates and adjusts records within the Leganto and Alma.
- Creates temporary bibliographic records for non-library-owned items
- Monitors and troubleshoots proxied links to electronic materials, works with appropriate staff to resolve problems, and creates interim solutions for database errors.
Provides Direct Public Service (8 hrs/wk = 20%)
- Staffs the Bio-Medical Library's service desk to provide reference, information and access services that require judgment and informed appraisal of the user's needs, based on thorough working knowledge of relevant library policies, procedures, resources, services and facilities.
- Staffs HSL Makerspace to provide access to and support for a suite of maker tools and technologies. Continues to develop skills as additional tools, services and spaces come online.
- Serves as a front-line staff for digital information services, answering questions via chat and email and making referrals as appropriate.
- Provides direct user instruction in the effective use of digital and physical resources, including sophisticated database search techniques.
- Facilitates and troubleshoots access to on-site public workstations and online library resources, referring to technical support staff as appropriate.
- Instructs users on library equipment and technology (e.g., photocopier, scanner, Value Port microform machines, laptops, and personal devices such as tablets, smartphones, mobile site assistance).
- Maintains awareness of and promotes evolving suite of specialized "researcher support" tools, policies, trends, and resources at service points.
Committee Work, Special Assignments & General Department Support (10 hrs/wk = 25%)
- In coordination with the Communications Coordinator:
- Contributes to the Health Sciences Libraries social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, through regular postings and content development.
- Contributes to news stories to be incorporated into internal and external library publications.
- Prepares marketing materials for special events, new resources, or other activities as needed.
- Coordinates maintenance and repair of public library equipment and facilities in cooperation with Information Technology and Facilities and Operations Management.
- Serves as primary contact with Facilities and Operations Management for copier maintenance, repair and supplies.
- Participates in committees or working groups, as related to skills and/or work assignments; collaborates with others to help plan, problem-solve, create work procedures, and improve workflows.
- Assists library professionals and liaison librarians in data gathering, trend analysis, research and collaborations.
- Helps other library units with user support needs.
- Provides backup support as needed for other activities of the department.
- Other duties as assigned.
About the Department
Access and Information Services (AIS) is a unit within the Health Sciences Libraries (HSL). It is a primary contact point during library business hours, and AIS personnel are often the first and sometimes the only contact users have with the Bio-Medical Library. Our goal is to provide convenient and timely access to HSL and University Libraries’ information, resources and services, and AIS responsibilities include circulation, in-person and digital information services, stacks management, and course reserves. Personnel in AIS work closely with the librarians in Education & Research Services to provide the best possible service to library users.
How To Apply
Applications must be submitted online. To apply, please visit the University of Minnesota employment website and search for Job ID #332456.
To request an accommodation during the application process, please e-mail employ@umn.edu or call (612) 624-UOHR (8647).