by Linda Mork
Quick Summary
Join us as we go through the free, self-paced Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum this summer! You can start at the beginning, or hop on any time. This week, we are on Thing 2: Digital Literacy 101, Everybody Googles.

Everybody Googles
In Thing 1, you learned a bit about information literacy and digital literacy. Before moving forward with the Things, we want to make sure you are comfortable with the basics of digital literacy. One of the principal tenets of digital literacy is enhanced knowledge of computer basics such as searching. Also, understand that when we say “Google” we mean “do a web search”; you are free to Bing or Yahoo or DuckDuckGo, no judgment here.
In this Thing, we will look at some Google basics, including searching and evaluating results as well as provide some tips and tricks to craft a more effective search. We offer both videos and print articles to move your search skills forward.
You can learn more about Media Landscapes and ML: 23 Things on, and if you haven't registered yet, you can do that here.
Access Thing 2 here.