Quick Summary
Hennepin County Library launched MnSpin, an online resource that provides free streaming for a of Minnesotan music published within the past five years. MnSpin is designed to connect you to the local music scene and help you discover your new favorite band.

MnSpin is an online streaming service provided by the Hennepin County Library that contains a selection of music exclusively from Minnesota. HCL launched MnSpin last December to connect patrons to the local music scene and help you discover your new favorite band. Anyone with an internet connection can stream this music for free on the MnSpin website, and if you have a Hennepin County Library card you can download the songs as well.
The collection includes 55 albums of music from local artists, all of which were produced in the last five years. There are a wide variety of genres represented including folk music, alternative rock, hip hop, and much more. One example is Gao Hong and Friend’s “Pipa Potluck: Lutes Around the World,” an album that masterfully combines traditional Chinese instruments such as the pipa with folksy guitars and banjos to showcase the international versatility of the the lute. “Millennial” by Mike Dreams features rap compositions that layer inspiring lyrics over an orchestral backdrop to create thought-provoking songs that demand your attention.
Each of the featured artists submitted their work to the Hennepin County Library during an open submissions period last year, and the chosen artists received $200 with their two-year availability on MnSpin. The library plans to open submissions again in 2018 and add 80 new albums, so be on the lookout for even more music to come in the near future.
MnSpin will be hosting its first-ever concert on August 21st at 7:00 p.m., starring five artists featured on their streaming service performing live at The Hook and Ladder in Minneapolis. This event is free, but you must be over 21 years old in order to enter. You can RSVP on the Friends of the Hennepin County Library website to add your name to the list of attendees. We hope to see you there!