by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
Minitex maintains an email group called Minitex Community that anybody can use to share information and ideas. We invite you to post any and all announcements of interest to the library community. You might even invite discussion, and participate in it as well.

We occasionally receive messages from subscribers who would like to send an email to the entire subscription list for the Minitex Messenger. Unfortunately, reaching the entire list by replying to a message isn't possible. The good news is that we maintain a separate tool (with its own subscriber list) that anybody can use to share information and ideas. It's called Minitex Community, and it's a Google Group.
Google Groups function in much the same way as traditional listservs do. To post a message, just send your email to To join the group, visit the signup page and enter your email address. We invite you to post messages of interest to the library community. You might even invite discussion, and participate in it as well.
If you need additional help getting the word out to the library community, you can always email me ( or Jordan Wagaman ( We'll be happy to help.