Quick Summary
Register for the 27th annual Enhancing Quality Staff Symposium, Wednesday, May 22, 2019! See our schedule for sessions on these topics and many more.

Are you interested in Story Maps, African music and culture, learning to edit Wikipedia, creating infographics, or touring the Raptor Center?
Register for the 27th annual Enhancing Quality Staff Symposium, Wednesday, May 22, 2019! See our schedule for sessions on these topics and many more.
You could also WIN one of our fabulous door prizes, including gift cards or admission to Trapped Puzzle Rooms, Can Can Wonderland, the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, Bell Museum, Smashburger, Kafe 421, al Vento and many, many, many more! You must be registered to win!
Registration will close Monday, May 13. Early Bird registration closes this Wednesday, May 1.
Although this symposium is designed for library paraprofessionals and support staff, everyone is welcome to attend.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list, or if you have questions about your registration, please contact Molly Bostrom at 612-624-4520 or mbostrom@umn.edu.