by Lizzy Baus
Quick Summary
Minitex staff attended the October 4-6th North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Grand Forks. The theme this year was Libraries Transform, and the keynote presentations spoke to different kinds of transformation.

Minitex staff attended the recent North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Grand Forks. The theme this year was Libraries Transform, and the keynote presentations spoke to different kinds of transformation.
V.J. Smith, author of The Richest Man in Town, was the keynote speaker for Thursday, October 5. His talk focused on the importance of being thankful for things large and small and the ways we can make a difference without any resources but ourselves. Smith told the story of a Walmart cashier named Marty, who treated each and every person who came through his line with the utmost dignity, kindness, and respect. Marty's interactions changed many people's lives for the better, including Smith's. Marty's story and Smith's talk encouraged listeners to approach each and every interaction in their daily lives with kindness and courtesy and emphasized the importance of gratitude.
The second keynote speaker for the conference was Doug Johnson, who spoke directly to the transformation of library spaces. Coming from a background of school libraries, Johnson asked about the purpose of the library space in a 1:1 school where each child has a device from which they can access all kinds of information. He offered several ideas, including a sort of test lab for classroom styles and a more socially focused space for students, especially teens. Though many of his ideas focused on libraries situated within middle or high schools, he encouraged staff from all types of libraries to think about ways in which their spaces could be utilized to the greater benefit of patrons and staff alike.
Minitex staff gave two presentations, both of which were very well received. The audience especially loved the idea of offering a Preservation Day event for patrons! We had a good time and look forward to next year's conference.