Libraries Transform
Minitex News articles tagged with "Libraries Transform" (10):

Toronto Libraries Create Space for Co-Working
Three Toronto public libraries are opening their doors as co-working spaces.

Join the contest: How do Minnesota libraries transform?
Minnesota Library Association Legislative Working Group is proposing a Minnesota spin on the Libraries Transform initiative and would like to create several uniquely Minnesota “Because” statements. We’re seeking submissions from library supporters, and these statements can be about the services and value you see in any type of library (public, academic, school, government, and others).

North Dakota Library Association: Highlights from the 2017 conference
Minitex staff attended the October 4-6th North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Grand Forks. The theme this year was Libraries Transform, and the keynote presentations spoke to different kinds of transformation.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Using reflective structured dialogue
I attended the webinar Reflective Structured Dialogue Method with Essential Partners, which featured John Sarrouf (Essential Partners, a partner in the series) and Harriet Hayes (Bridgewater College). The purpose of reflective structured dialogue is to improve communication in order to enhace curiosity, mutual understanding, and respect. What follows is a summary of the second webinar in the ALA Libraries Transforming Communities three-part series.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Introduction to Dialogue & Deliberation
Facing a divided nation, the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) are offering a free learning series to explore various dialogue facilitation approaches to position libraries to foster conversation and lead change in their communities. I'm currently attending the three-part academic libraries series, and what follows is a summary from the first webinar, Libraries Transforming Communities: Introduction to Dialogue & Deliberation.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Models for Change
I attended the webinar “Libraries Transforming Communities: Models for Change,” offered by the American Library Association and the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation. This was the first webinar in a free learning series that explores different dialogue facilitation approaches and positions librarians to foster conversation and lead change in our communities.

Who needs libraries? Advocacy Bootcamp at the 2016 MLA Annual Conference
I had the opportunity to attend the Advocacy/Intellectual Freedom preconference at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference in Duluth, Minnesota, on September 28th. This was a day-long event, presented by Jamie LaRue, Director of the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom and Marci Merola, Director of the ALA Office for Library Advocacy. The presenters covered "why library advocacy," learned about telling the library story in a compelling way, discussed how to build a library network of advocates, and other elements of an advocacy plan. The last part of the day focused on Intellectual Freedom, core ALA documents that we can refer to, what policies every library should have, emerging issues in intellectual freedom, and resources available to us from the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom.

Inspiring! Things to contemplate from the SDLA Conference 2016 Keynote
Lizzy Baus and I had the extreme pleasure of both attending and presenting at the 2016 South Dakota Library Association Annual Conference "Libraries...Rooted in our Communities." J. Jeff Kober presented a compelling and thought-provoking presentation titled "Things I Wish I Could Tell My Librarian." Jeff's session was fun, engaging, participatory, and he did an excellent job of weaving the themes and thoughts together into a meaningful presentation with some excellent takeaways.

The Libraries Transform Campaign
“Because 5 out of 5 doctors agree reading aloud to children supports brain development.” If you have seen one of these "because" statements out there in the wild, then you're likely familiar with the Libraries Transform campaign. At the 2016 ALA Annual Conference, I heard a few updates about the Libraries Transform public awareness campaign that I wanted to share.

Kasson Public Library Transforms
Kasson Public Library's new facility will double as a community emergency shelter.