by Linda Mork
Quick Summary
Attention teachers and media specialists working with History Day students, check out these upcoming workshops at the Minnesota History Center:

Attention teachers and media specialists working with History Day students, check out these upcoming workshops at the Minnesota History Center:
History Day 101
History Day 101 will address the fundamentals of the History Day program. Staff will discuss the program framework and implementation strategies. See samples of projects, learn about support resources, and discuss standards, program benefits, and next steps to bring History Day into your classroom. Participants will leave with a variety of classroom-ready tools to begin implementing History Day in their own schools. Workshop fee of $85 includes breakfast, lunch, parking, and materials.
Thursday, November 1, 2018 from 8:30 AM - 3 PM. Register and pay with credit card or PO.
Theme Exploration and Curriculum Collaboration
Be prepared to not only listen to the History Day staff talk about the theme, but get ready to share your own ideas into the discussion through collaborative activities in the morning. In the afternoon, we will shift gears to curriculum planning. Bring your calendars, rubrics, and other History Day lessons. Open discussion time will give you the opportunity to collaborate with other attendees. Workshop fee of $85 includes breakfast, lunch, parking, and materials.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 8:30 AM - 3 PM. Register and pay with credit card or PO.
Advanced History Day Topics Workshop
Updated to include our special presenter - Lynne O'Hara from National History Day! Writing and editing is at the heart of any NHD project, regardless of category. Join Lynne O’Hara, NHD’s Director of Programs to learn specific writing and editing strategies that you can use to help your students as they develop this year’s projects.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 from 8:30 AM - 3 PM. Register and pay with credit card or PO.
Learn more about National History Day in Minnesota.